Recently Adopted Legislation (Effective Jul. 1, 2019)
KY Medicaid is required to reimburse for covered services provided to a Medicaid recipient through telehealth. The Department must establish requirements for telehealth coverage and reimbursement which are equivalent to the coverage for the same service provided in-person unless the telehealth provider and the Medicaid program agree to a lower reimbursement rate for Kentucky telehealth services, or the Department establishes a different reimbursement rate.
KY Medicaid is required to reimburse for covered services provided to a Medicaid recipient through telehealth. The Department must establish requirements for telehealth coverage and reimbursement which are equivalent to the coverage for the same service provided in-person unless the telehealth provider and the Medicaid program agree to a lower reimbursement rate for Kentucky telehealth services, or the Department establishes a different reimbursement rate.